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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Adventures of PACO on The Farm

        One morning, paco the parrot got up very early. he sat on the barn roof and waited for the farm animals to wake up.  The rooster was the first one awake."cocka-doodle-doo!" he crawded. paco imitated him. "cocka-doodle-doo!" called pako. the rooster leaped in surprise.
        "moo, moo!" said the cow. "the rooster is very noisy this morning!" "moo, moo! I can moo too!" said the paco. "oh my! what was that?" asked the cow. "baa, baa! it must be an echo," baaed the sheep. "Baa, baa!" bleated paco. it's not thaat!"
        "Quack, quack! Don't be silly!" Quacked the duck. "there is no echo here!" "quack, quack! Are you quite sure?" teased paco. "Meow, meow!" cried the cat "Someone must do something about this right meow!" "Meow, meow your self!" saud paco, laughing.
         "Woof, woof! i'll handle this," barked the dog. "Woof, woof!" said paco. "that's what you think!". "hee haw!"brayed the donkey. "this is awful!" "hee haw! hee haw repeated paco. "that isn't funny!" complained the donkey. But paco didn't stop. "hee haw, hee haw!" he did not notice the dog creeping up.
          "Woof, woof!" barked the dog very loudly. "Aawk!" screeched paco in surprise.  "i'am sorry i scared you. I was just having fun," said paco. "Well it was quite funny," agreed the animal. Paco waved goodbye to his friend and flew high over the farm. A train was passing by. "wooo, wooo," whistled paco.

Sup pangsit Jepara


250 g udang, kupas, buang kepala dan ekornya
1/4 sdt garam
1/8 sdt merica bubuk
2 butir telur
1 sdm minyak atau margarin, untuk membuat dadar
50 g soun, rendam, potong kecil-kecil
2 sdm kacang polong
2 batang daun bawang, iris halus

Bahan kuah:

250 g fillet ayam, potong kecil-kecil
2 sdm minyak goreng
1000 ml kaldu
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
20 g jamur kuping, rendam, iris tipis
50 g sedap malam, rendam
2 sdm bawang merah goreng
1 sdm bawang putih goreng

Cara membuat:

1. Cincang halus 3/4 bagian udang, biarkan utuh sisanya, sisihkan
2. Bumbui udang cincang dengan bumbu dan merica, sisihkan
3. Kocok telur buat dadar tipis-tipis, sisihkan
4. Ambil selembar dadar, letakkan 1-2 sdm adonan udang di tengahnya, gulung. Lakukan sampai adonan dan dadar habis.
5.kukus dadar isi sampai matang, angkat dan sisihkan. Jika sudah dingin potong-potong menjadi 5-6 bagian.
6. Untuk kuah: Tumis daging ayam dan udang utuh sampai berubah warna, lalu tuangkan kaldu. Tambahkan garam dan merica, masak sampai matang.
7. Masukkan jamur kuping, sedap malam, sebagian bawang merah dan bawang putih goreng, lalu angkat.
8. Masukkan soun, kacang polong,  daun bawang dan seledri kedalam mangkuk. Tambah irisan dadar isi, siram dengan kuah panas bersama jamur dan sedap malam. Taburkan sisa bawang goreng, sajikan segera.
Untuk 6 porsi

from majalah ummi.